

Women’s rights

Muslim women have rights that they were granted 1400 years ago. The rights of equality to men, the rights to kindness and loving treatment by their spouses, the rights to safety and comfort in the home, the rights to own their own property or to earn their own income, the rights to retain their names, to inheritance, the right to divorce and to a dowry.

Muslim women have the same obligations to pray and observe the fasts and pay zakat as men, (women are exempt from praying during menstruation).

A famous saying of the Prophet is, “Paradise lies at the feet of your mothers.”
The mother and women are highly revered in Islam.

Mixing with non-Muslims

Muslims are allowed to mix with non-Muslims. There is no prohibition nor is it valid to discriminate against, hate, abuse or exploit non- Muslims.

Muslims are advised simply to guard against any negative influences in their lives that may weaken their iman or faith.

Mixing of men and women

Men and women are allowed to be together as long as there are others in the room. However, it is discouraged to have a man and a woman alone in a private room, regardless if they are Muslim or not. In such cases, it is advisable to leave the door open or to call in a third person. This is to avoid any allegations of misconduct or to prevent allegations that could damage the person’s relationship.

Equality of men and women

Men and Women are equal in the eyes of God. That is that they totally equal in status and that neither one is better than the other.

The Hijab or veil

Muslim women are required to wear a veil when in public. This is generally accepted as the covering of the head and neck and the body up to the ankles and the wrists (showing the face).
Although, the Hijab is obligatory on women, no-one can force a woman to wear the hijab, especially in a society where there is no Islamic law, in this context, it is a woman’s choice as there is no compulsion in Islam.